Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Behind Every Great Woman Is Another Great Woman

Have you ever stopped to think about all the women that have come and gone in your life?  The time spent with each one shaped you into the woman you are today.  Even the women that effected you in a negative way.  Of course the first woman to come into my life was my mother.  We had our differences over the years but she was a good Christian woman.  She taught me right from wrong and she always made sure I had everything I needed and most of what I wanted.  My mother's mother died when I was two so I don't remember her but I do remember my fathers mother.  I called her Grandma.  Her name was Claudia.  She always wore her hair up in a bun, she made yummy biscuits and she had a soft voice.  I had several aunts most of them have passed away.  Some were so sweet and a few were not.  As a matter of fact the sweet ones are still alive and I know they would do anything they could for me if I needed them.  I have a best friend that I don't see very often but when we do see each other or talk on the phone it's like we've never been apart.  She's the kind of friend that you can totally be yourself with.  She doesn't care how you look or what kind of mood you're in.  My coworker is the most compassionate woman I've ever known.  She truly cares about everyone she comes in contact with.  And then there are "The Three".  My daughter, my daughter-in-law, and my stepdaughter. I hate the word stepdaughter.  It sounds so impersonal.  In my heart they are all my daughters. Three very different women yet very much the same.  They're all beautiful, inside and out. They're all very strong willed women with deep convictions. They're all hard workers and I love them.  I hope that I have been and will be a blessing to my daughters, granddaughters and other women that I have the pleasure of coming in contact with.

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Technology and The Middle aged Woman

OMG I have spent half a day trying to add new widgets to my Blog!  If you're a Baby Boomer stay at home mom you've had very little experience with computers.  As little as I know about them I still have friends that know less, but I'm learning.  Mostly by trail and error, like today. 
I learned about a new company  called, Open Sky.  Very interesting.  The concept is they connect people with a product to sell with someone like me that will talk about it and sell it on their Blog.  These are products you don't find in stores and you only sell the products you like. 
I once owned a gift shop and I love retail sales so this is something I might enjoy. 
Lord help me I'm also trying to setup a widget from
If you hear someone screaming in the night don't worry it's just me!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Women Over 40", by Frank Kaiser

I love Frank Kaiser's view of older women.  What do you think?

Women Over 40, By Frank Kaiser

As I grow in age, I value women who are over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:
An older woman will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think.
If an older woman doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And it's usually something more interesting.
An older woman knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom.
Few women past the age of 40 give a damn what you might think about her or what she's doing.
Older women are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.
An older woman has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn't trust the guy with other women.
An older woman couldn't care less if you're attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won't betray her.
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to an older woman. They always know.
An older woman looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women or drag queens.
Once you get past a wrinkle or two, an older woman is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off you are a jerk if you are acting like one. You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise older women for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 40+, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress.

Monday, July 12, 2010

"Old Mistresses Apologue" by Benjamin Franklin

Here is part of the letter Benjamin Franklin wrote about older women.  It comes from the "Old Mistresses Apologue".

But if you will not take this Counsel, and persist in thinking a Commerce with the Sex inevitable, then I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones. You call this a Paradox, and demand my Reasons. They are these:

1. Because as they have more Knowledge of the World and their Minds are better stor’d with Observations, their Conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreeable.

2. Because when Women cease to be handsome, they study to be good. To maintain their Influence over Men, they supply the Diminution of Beauty by an Augmentation of Utility. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. Thus they continue amiable. And hence there is hardly such a thing to be found as an old Woman who is not a good Woman.

3. Because there is no hazard of Children, which irregularly produc’d may be attended with much Inconvenience.

4. Because thro’ more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclin’d to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes.

5. Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.

6. Because the Sin is less. The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin, and make her for Life unhappy.

7. Because the Compunction is less. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy.

8thly and Lastly They are so grateful!!

Thus much for my Paradox. But still I advise you to marry directly; being sincerely Your affectionate Friend.

As an "OLDER" woman I have a few remarks for Mr. Franklin but because I'm a "Lady" as well, I'll keep them to myself.

"Woman's Work"

I didn't blog last week because I was on vacation, if you want to call it that.  Finances are low this year so we did a "staycation" at home.  That means I washed clothes, cooked, babysat the grandchildren and cleaned house.  Needless to say I was ready to go back to work.
One bright spot was a visit from my daughter and my furry grandchild (he's a dog, but don't tell him that). Next summer I plan to travel  to Texas and help her search for a home.