Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Give Your Life Away

What have you done with your life?    I've been asking myself this question all day.  What have I done?  I mean what have I done with my life that really matters?  What have I done to make a difference in the world or more importantly in someone's life.
Did I do anything today to make someone's life a little better?  Sometimes a person just needs a smile or a kind word to brighten their day.  We're very good at acting like everything is OK when sometimes on the inside we're falling apart.
My teenage grandson like all teenagers gets bored easily.  I 'm trying to teach him to always look for opportunities to reach out and help someone.  Maybe there's all elderly person that he could run errands for or even just check the mail for them.  He might see something a person dropped and pick it up, who knows maybe their back has been hurting lately. 
If you keep your eyes and ears open you would be surprised at how many people you could be a blessing too.
I guess what I'm trying to say is instead of living your life only for your benefit give it away to others. After all isn't that why we were put on this earth, to love and help each other?
I challenge each of you to do one thing everyday that will brighten the day of someone even if it's just a smile or a kind word.
Now on a different note I'm starting a new section I call "5 Things".  Every Monday I will list five things about myself.  This way you will get to know me a little better.  I would love it if you would list "5 Things" about yourself.
1  I have hazel eyes
2  I love key lime pie
3  I wish I had gone to college
4  I like to paint
5  I love children

1 comment:

  1. 1. I'm very hyper
    2. I have green eyes
    3. I love Braves baseball and Georgia football probably too much
    4. I'm sleepy all the time if I stop moving
    5. I'm a nerd...and like it
