Monday, August 30, 2010

Where Did That Come From

One of the fun things about middle age is going to bed one night and you weigh 115 lbs. Your hair is dark, the skin on your face is firm and all is right with the world.  The next day you wake up. You weigh 150 lbs and not only has your face (and other body parts) fallen but there are spots, bags and wrinkles!  Where did  that come from?
OK, so it doesn't happen over night but it seems like it.  What's that old saying?  If I'd known I was gonna live this long I would have taken better care of myself.
Oh, so what. Just take off your glasses put a dimmer switch on the light in the bathroom and you'll look just like you used too!

1  I DON"T like being hot
2  Red is my favorite color
3  I love all things French
4  I wish no one in the world ever had to go to bed hungry
5  I think baby pigs are soooo cute

1 comment:

  1. I grunt every time i sit or stand...where did that come from??!!
