Sunday, August 1, 2010

Who Says You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

Things I've learned since I reached "Middle Age":
Opened a gift shop.  That was something I always wanted to do.
Opened a coffee shop.  Learned to make coffee. Believe it or not I didn't drink coffee or know how to make it before I opened my coffee shop.  Now I know how to make coffee, espresso, lattes, etc.
Traveled to wineries and learned about wine and added that to my coffee shop.
Took French lessons.
Traveled to France and Canada.
Wrote a short story for children and began writing a book.
Learned to blog.
Learned to add widgets to my blog.
Learned how to program a cell phone.
And because life happens, I've learned to care for the elderly and hold the hand of the dying.

1 comment:

  1. What's a widget? (originally posted, like, a week ago)
