Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 8th 1980

My second child was due on September 7th 1980.  I didn't know if it would be a boy or a girl but I had an over whelming feeling that it was a boy.  My doctor also thought it was a boy.  We picked out a boy's name and painted the nursery blue. 
I think one reason I was sure it was a boy was because I was afraid to have a girl.  My mom and I were not very close and I didn't want to have a relationship like that with my daughter.
I awoke around 5:00 am the next morning in labor.  We got dressed and called the neighbor to come over and sit with the children.  Tommy drove me to the hospital and even though he was being careful it felt like he hit every bump in the road.  They checked me in and then examined me.  The nurse said I was not in labor and to go home.  I told her I was in labor but she wouldn't listen so I went home.
By the time we got home my mom and dad were there.  Tommy went back to work and I laid on the couch timing the labor pains.  My dad was so nervous he just kept walking round and round the house.  He said he didn't come there to deliver a baby.
Finally I decided it was time to go back to the hospital.  We went by the doctor's office first so he could check me and I wouldn't have to deal with that nurse again. 
This time when I checked in they didn't send me home.  The labor pains were very intense, much worse than with my first child.  I finally agreed to let them give me something for pain but by then it was to late to do any good. 
The nurse said it was time and they wheeled me into the labor room.  Tommy was with me.  It was his first time seeing one of his children being born.  I  promised him it wasn't like you see in the movies with the woman screaming and cursing.  At least not with me.  My first delivery didn't hurt as much as my periods did.
But this delivery was different and I did scream.  A few screams and pushes and the baby was born.
The doctor said "It's a girl."  Tommy and I both said "A GIRL?"  The doctor laughed and said "Yes, a girl.  Do you want me to put her back?"
Then he handed her to me.  She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.  She wasn't crying, just looking around.  She was worth every labor pain.
My beautiful baby girl "Holly Lynn Collins" I will never forget the first time I saw your face and held you in my arms.  You were a pleasure to raise.  I am so proud of the woman you have turned out to be.  You were and always will be my angel on earth.
Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Ay! Now you're making me cry in the library! I always knew I was more beautiful than Jimmy ;) Thanks for the birthday wishes, cards and beautiful story. And most of all thanks for being a great mom who has helped to shape me and grow me into the woman I am today.
