Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Join Me On A Journey Of Self Discovery

I wonder if the women of generations past felt like the women of today.  Did they know who they were?  Did they know what they wanted?  Unlike our generation they didn't have the option to start life over when the children were grown.  There are many  things that can stop me and women like me from reaching out and fulfilling our dreams.  It's hard to step out of our comfort zone and into the unknown.  Sometimes there are financial reasons.  Maybe she has no one to encourage her to try her hand at something new.  Maybe she wants to make a change but has no idea where to start.  That's me.  I didn't know where to start so I started here.  I'm sharing my thoughts with any one that wants to go with me on a journey of self discovery.

1 comment:

  1. one thing i've learned from my studies is that women have always had it hard. even though things are hard now, they are much better and hopefully improving. at least we have the choice now to not get married at 20, 18 or even 16 and younger, women can define themselves now outside of their roles as wife or mother and can choose to be really anything they want. i think we'll always be fighting stereotypes and living in a man's world though. a great woman writer of the 20th century, simone de beauvoir, wrote that one is not born a woman, she becomes one. that meaning that our society places so many rules, regulations, stipulations and pressures on us to act in a certain way as a "woman"-all invented by a society ruled by men-that a female becomes the woman as society has defined her, not as she was naturally or how she would define herself. i think a journey of self discovery is a great idea...for any woman and of any age! i'm with you!
