Saturday, June 5, 2010

Living Life At 57

As I sit here staring at the cursor blinking on the computer screen I'm trying to decide  how I want to write this blog.
I've come to the stage in my life where I want to make a change.  A big change!  I figure I'm reaching the finish line and I want to enjoy the time I have left.  I mean I want to really live the rest of my life to the fullest extent!

1 comment:

  1. Read your posts. Your writing is beautiful, heartfelt and honest. This is very refreshing and makes me want to "live the rest of my life to the fullest extent!"...Not just live my life based on changing moods or circumstances. I think you know yourself a lot more than you give yourself credit for. Sounds like you are a very caring and open person who is finding herself through loving others and living intentionally. Keep up the good work!
